Naturalizing the transition from the city to River Besòs in Barcelona
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Designer(s) : Logaina Fathalla

University : The German University in Cairo (GUC)

Tutor(s) : Prof. Rita Pinto De Freitas

Project Description

Barcelona is framed by natural elements on all sides: the mountains, the two rivers (Besòs and Llobregat), and the sea. Despite its significance, the River Besòs is often seen as the “edge of the city.” Its long, linear path, flowing between the mountains and out to the sea, creates both a physical and psychological barrier to the city’s continuation. Along much of the river, 5-meter-high concrete walls stretch, obstructing both the physical and visual connection with the natural environment. This disconnection eliminates any sense of engagement with the river.

“Linkscape” seeks to transform the river from a mere vehicular corridor into a pedestrian destination by improving its access points from the city and creating a smooth, natural transition of greenery. The project addresses barriers such as highways and challenging topography, which have long hindered this connection.

The design strategy involves carving into the topography beneath the highway and creating a park of green terraces, leading up to the existing street levels. By breaking down the barrier of the concrete walls, the river is allowed to flow into the permeable soils of the park, enhancing the connection between urban space and the natural environment. Pedestrian access is opened, facilitating a seamless transition from the streets to the riverbanks.

The proposed building “The Museum of History of Immigration in Spain ”serves as a gateway to the park and a catalyst for the area, extending the existing museum with a modern addition featuring colonnades. Elevated above the ground to maintain green space below, the building’s design includes transparent facades and connecting terraces, creating an inviting atmosphere and enhancing the connection between the city, park, and museum.