Coral Conservation Center

The project proposes a scientific research facility with a protected zone with an appropriate atmosphere and environment for corals to flourish in order to preserve and document corals. With the construction of an underwater coral nursery where planting occurs. In addition to that recycling plant is established that aims to collect plastic waste and debris floating in the sea.
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Designer(s) : Rand Jaber

University : University of Jordan

Tutor(s) : Dr Nancy Al-Assaf

Project Description

My project proposes a scientific research facility which will attract top level scientists, conservationists from local and international communities to secure and document corals, and at the same time provides a coral park which constitutes a protected area for corals to grow and live in, a place where visitors can be entertained, learn and be aware about the beauty and importance of conservation. Furthermore, the project aims to tackle Aqaba’s growing waste problem by establishing a recycling facility that attempts to gather plastic waste floating in the sea and recycle it to useful materials for the community and environment.

The loops where diagramed according to a specific experience that the user needs to go through in a specific sequence. The loop of the user starts with awareness at the first level. The user at the beginning needs to know about the environmental issue and corals, by starting his loop from the biobank, environmental art gallery and auditorium. Then the user will complete his loop to the next level of his experience which is entertainment. The user will go toward the diving center and wear diving suites and dive underwater, explore the corals and coral structure and go through an underwater aquarium. Furthermore, the user will reach his third level of the loop which is participation. After the user got awarded and entertained, the user can participate in protecting the marine environment and corals by participating in voluntary cleaning the seabed dives and can participate in building underwater nurseries and then come back to land reaching the end of his loop by unloading the waste the user had collected and get a 3D printed material in return. The user can also participate in workshops for recycling and environmental art.

Waste that is being collected either by the interceptor or voluntary diving cleanups will be recycled to 3D printed objects, fabrics that diving suites can be made from, beach furniture, beach shelters and pavilions that serves the surrounding, coral nurseries PVC structure and floating planters. All these productions will be sold in the shopping zone of the project which will raise awareness to the society about this environmental issue and enhance the community. The building will only recycle plastic waste since most of the waste collected from the ocean is plastic, in addition to that recycling plastic is a clean recycling process with no effect on its surrounding. Other types of waste will be exported.
Documentation is an important element in the project in order to preserve all the unique kinds of corals in Aqaba’s red sea, by providing a biobank which contains all different types of species of corals in a protected nurseries providing the best environment for corals to grow in. The project is supported by a cooling system responding to the global warming that makes water warm that causes coral bleaching which works in pumping the cold water in the undersea to the coral areas. As well as having a cleaning interceptor discovered by the ocean gate that collects floating waste floating in the ocean.