The second nest I Ecosystem rehabilitation complex

A complex for the purpose of researching and protecting riverside residential birds and plants; and projecting hologram exhibitions to raise people’s awareness
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Designer(s) : Nguyen Doan Bang

University : Obuda University

Tutor(s) : Mizsei Anett

Project Description

The building emerges from the ground and somehow blends into the environment to keep
the impact on the environment as low as possible and this is also a good method to build in
the flooding area. Because the site is low and flat, the building plays the role of a mountain,
a firm place, and a second nest for birds.
The triangular form of the building enables it to face directly toward 3 magnificent views of
the surrounding, which are the Duna bend, the Visegrád bay, and the mountain.
The whole building can be divided into 3 main parts: the lifting blocks( starting with external
stairs )that stand directly on the ground, the exhibition and researching block, and the
Gardens are designed to feature 2 main purposes: a new home for injured birds, newborn
birds suffering from flooding, lacking habitat, or even those that are sick. After being
checked by specialists, they could rest in gardens where the habitat has been planted and
taken care of for the purpose of researching plants. 3 gardens are designed in corresponding
to the state of those birds. If some have already lost their nest, they could build one in
those gardens as well. They’ll be screened when all conditions have already been checked,
meaning that they are ready to live, they will be released. During the care time, visitors can
have a tour around all three gardens and end the trip in the park.
Each garden has a tree-like pole in the middle, which is made of wood frames and a rich soil
core for plants to grow on. On top of that, there is a wide spot for storks to nest. From
above, people can have a closer look at the nest, which is hard for them to see in nature.

The main facade faces the picturesque view of Visegrad bay, where lightweight sunshade
panels are installed flexibly so that they can be moved and rotated, which allows
researchers to create their own space for reflection on what they are doing, to enjoy the
view and refresh themselves for more ideas.
Besides rescuing birds, and studying them to build lists of measures to help them survive,
the second nest also has a mission of changing people’s minds.
After going throw that exhibition hall, with the help of hologram technology, visitors will
have a chance to „live” inside the bird’s habitat, they could see from their biological features
to their life circle, their important role, and how the food chain would be without them.
They will experience hearing, smelling, and seeing with their naked eyes to understand the
benefit of us living among them.
After all, there’s a special place waiting for them, that is where all the suffering of birds is
being displayed. I strongly believe that, after going through an emotional journey about a
stunning life with birds and ending up with all that facts about what we have done, that
would be touching and you’ll be moved.
Then there would be a „take action” phase, where we will know how to act and how to help
revive the ecosystem and the earth by doing the smallest things. They will understand more
and be a part of the Butterfly effect.