Resilient Architecture: A Gate To Light Through The Darkness

Comprehensive center for visual impairment treatment and rehabilitation in Gaza
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Designer(s) : Yazan Hodali and Ahmad Abu Morra

University : Birzeit University

Tutor(s) : Ibrahim Al Hindi

Project Description

The main goal of the project was to provide the visually impaired community in Gaza with immediate urgent treatment and habilitation within the difficult context of the war. The project is separated into two main phases in order to provide a creative solution to providing care in the aforementioned context; the phases are split in accordance with the post war assumed phases of “emergency phase, stability phase, and rebuilding phase” and is therefore set with immediate, short-term, and longterm goals. The central concept of the project is creating multifunctioning mobile modular units. In the first phase of our project those units would be distributed along the gaza strip to serve as urgent treatment units. In the second phase of the project all the modules would be gathered in our main site and would be joined together along with permanent buildings to form our comprehensive habilitation center. The modules could at any point be redistributed as needed and the constant joining and redistribution would achieve our goal of resilient architecture. The main center itself is designed for the visually impaired and takes into account sensory design with the unique challenge of designing for the four senses besides vision.