Agri-touristic Village

Palestinians have a great bond with their land, it represents Palestinian’s identity. He used to depend on it in every life aspect, Palestine’s unprecedented historical significance is a testament to its value as a land.
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Designer(s) : Heyam Rashed Arafat

University : An-Najah National University

Tutor(s) : Dr Hasan Al-Qadi and Dr Khaled Qamhieh

Project Description

Agri-tourism is a form of rural tourism that combines aspects of the tourism and agriculture industries to provide a number of benefits to tourists, producers, and communities by attracting visitors to an agricultural place.

Location (An-Nassariya / Palestine)

An-Nassariya is a village located in the Jordan valleys, it is one of the most fertile areas in Nablus, occupying a high agricultural value, through ages it was known as the “food basket” of the region.

What An-Nassariya is witnessing today is its transformation into a touristic and recreational place, through the construction of villas and tourist chalets, without taking into account the value of the agricultural lands on which they are built.

And the proposed project, sheds light on the agricultural aspect of the village, without neglecting its touristic value it has recently gained, drawing the attention of local and foreign tourists to the area. . The project will address this phenomenon by combining tourism and agriculture at the same time.

The main concept is to reflect the Palestinian agricultural scene, but in a contemporary way, and emphasize the significance of the land. By imitating the distribution of the traditional agricultural village, inspiring from the local typology “Earthen Architecture “, and using some of the main features of Palestinian agriculture such as the use of stone chains and step farming.


  1. imitating the distribution of the traditional agricultural village

The Palestinian agricultural villages were formed by constructing on the higher areas to exploit the largest area of the plain and flat lands in agriculture and production.



  1. Inspiring from the local typology

In the Jordan Valley region, in particular, the prevailing building style was earthen architecture. The buildings of the project are inspired by the clay house and its basic elements, where the same building material will be used, but in a developed way, to overcome the problems in the conventional construction method.


  1. Using some of the main features of Palestinian agriculture.Such as the use of stone chains and step farming in high-sloped areas, usually planted with Olive trees.



Construction method “Earthbags “

As mentioned before, buildings in this project are inspired by the local typology of this region. In this region, the typology is “earthen architecture “, and buildings were constructed with Mud. But the conventional construction method has many problems, so in this project, a new and upgraded construction method is used, which is called “Earthbags “.


   Project Sustainability “The best investment on Earth is Earth“

As long as this project concentrates on reviving the original agricultural nature of the village, it mainly focuses on land and its value. Several methods were used in this project to make it sustainable and reduce the negative effects on the environment. Such as the use of local and sustainable building materials, using many thermal control methods in buildings, using solar energy, and a system of stormwater harvesting.